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Dimitris Kalogeras avatar
Written by Dimitris Kalogeras
Updated over a week ago


In the dynamic world of educational innovation, Morphoses introduces the "Tutors' Review Guide," a comprehensive framework designed to elevate the standards of tutoring and foster an environment of continuous improvement and excellence. This guide meticulously outlines the evaluation criteria for tutors, ensuring they meet and exceed the expectations set forth by Morphoses for delivering high-quality education and engagement to a diverse audience of young learners. It stands as a testament to Morphoses' commitment to cultivating a nurturing and enriching educational community.

Why we have a Guide?

The "Tutors' Review Guide" is essential for maintaining and enhancing the quality of education within Morphoses. It serves as a crucial tool for ensuring that tutors not only adhere to high standards but also engage in continuous self-improvement, directly impacting learner outcomes and satisfaction. This guide facilitates a structured assessment and feedback loop, allowing tutors to identify areas of strength and opportunities for growth, fostering a culture of excellence and commitment to the educational and developmental needs of learners across all age groups. You can see the Tutors’ Review Guide here.


For an enriched understanding of our tutors' performance and engagement, the "Tutors' Review Guide" incorporates vital disclaimers, ensuring our review process is thorough and considerate:

  • Reviews occur bi-annually during December-January and July-August, setting a structured timeline for assessment.

  • Key metrics—Drop Out, Availability Hours, Postpones, and Attendance Rate—can impact evaluations negatively, highlighting areas for improvement.

  • We value both quantitative data and the qualitative insights gained from personal interactions, ensuring a balanced evaluation.

  • Our criteria, designed for adaptability and continuous improvement, are subject to refinement by the Morphoses Team.

  • The criteria are designed to apply progressively from Level 1 through Level 3, ensuring a thorough and layered evaluation across different levels of tutor experience and responsibility.

  • A crucial eligibility criterion is that each tutor must have completed at least one class since their hiring to qualify for a review.

This framework underscores our commitment to fostering educational excellence and adaptability within the Morphoses community.

Categories Explanation

  • Rating Score: The rating score on a tutor's public profile within the Morphoses Platform plays a critical role, as it serves as a key indicator for parents and learners, our main customers, when selecting educational support. This score is a direct reflection of the feedback and ratings provided by parents and learners themselves, ensuring that it accurately represents the tutor's performance and impact. This metric underscores the importance of excellence in tutoring services, as it influences decision-making and fosters trust within the Morphoses community.

  • Community Trainings: The participation rate of tutors in Community Trainings is a critical metric within Morphoses, reflecting the importance of these sessions as the primary educational resource and a unique forum for the entire community to connect and engage interactively. These trainings stand as the cornerstone of education for the Morphoses community, offering invaluable opportunities for learning, collaboration, and fostering a sense of unity among tutors, thereby enhancing the overall educational experience and community coherence.

  • Drop Out: Tracking the number of learners who drop out of a tutor's class, especially due to dissatisfaction with the tutor, lack of specific reason, or other reasons, is vital. Morphoses meticulously examines each case, aligning reported reasons with in-depth insights from our customer support department. This ensures that any discrepancy between the reasons stated on the platform and the actual reasons learners leave is identified and addressed, covering all grounds—dissatisfaction, unspecified reasons, or any other factors—providing a comprehensive view of the tutor's impact on learner retention.

  • Referrals for the Community: The referral criteria within Morphoses are designed to harness the vast network of knowledge and expertise within its community. Tutors are encouraged to refer individuals, with the system rewarding them for each referral who either completes one class or remains with the company for three months. This approach is limitless, offering infinite points for every successful referral, thereby motivating tutors to introduce more qualified professionals into the community. This strategy not only enriches the community with diverse expertise but also fosters a culture of growth and collaboration, underlining the value of peer recommendations in strengthening the educational ecosystem. You can find our open position here.

  • Referrals for the Morphoses Team: Morphoses values the power of community growth through referrals, rewarding tutors for each new individual they successfully introduce who remains with the company for a minimum of three months. This criterion is designed to be infinite, meaning tutors continuously earn points for every qualified referral, encouraging them to leverage their professional networks to enrich the community with skilled and experienced individuals. This ongoing incentive aligns with Morphoses' goal to foster a vibrant, knowledgeable community by recognizing and rewarding the contributions of its tutors in expanding collective expertise. You can find our open positions here.

  • Postpones: To maintain learner engagement, Morphoses stipulates that a tutor may postpone a class up to two times without repercussions. Given the weekly class frequency, it's vital to keep learners consistently involved, as their interaction with Morphoses is already limited. This policy ensures continuity and minimizes disruptions, fostering a steady and engaging learning environment for all participants.

  • Attendance Rate: Morphoses sets a minimum average attendance rate of 75% for tutors in their classes, acknowledging that external factors like internet connectivity or concurrent activities can affect learner attendance. This benchmark underscores the importance of creating engaging class experiences to maximize learner participation. Despite potential external disruptions, this policy motivates tutors to foster an engaging and compelling educational environment, thereby ensuring learners remain connected and engaged with the platform.

  • Share Expertise: Morphoses encourages tutors to contribute creatively to the community's knowledge base, offering infinite points for each piece of expertise shared. This criterion celebrates the diverse expertise within the community, inviting tutors to share their knowledge in various formats. Quarterly, Morphoses provides a list of topics for contribution but remains open to spontaneous ideas from tutors. This approach enriches the community's learning resources and supports the educational ecosystem, with opportunities including:

    • Articles updated, written, or recorded in the wiki

    • Community meeting contributions

    • Blog posts authored

    • Hosting webinars on specialized topics

    • Developing interactive quizzes or educational games

    • Participating in panel discussions or Q&A sessions during community events

  • Mentoring System: This resource provides a comprehensive overview designed to enhance your understanding of its intricate structure and functionalities. You can read more here: [to be added]

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