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Alex's Curriculum Creation

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Dimitris Kalogeras avatar
Written by Dimitris Kalogeras
Updated over a week ago

Join us in following Alex, a dedicated content creator at Morphoses, as they embark on a significant project to develop a comprehensive curriculum. This narrative illustrates how the Morphoses platform, with its intuitive interface and rich resources, guides Alex through the creative process.

The Beginning of a Visionary Project:

Alex’s journey starts with a clear vision. He aims to create a curriculum that is not just informative but transformative. With purpose, Alex selects the New Curriculum + option, stepping into a realm of educational possibilities.

Selecting the Curriculum Type:

Faced with various options, Alex chooses the ‘Focused’ curriculum type. This selection allows for a detailed exploration of subjects, accommodating up to 32 sessions and three soft skills, ideal for Alex’s comprehensive educational plan.

👉 Wiki Link for Curriculum types.

Identifying the Target Audience:

Selecting the appropriate age group is a critical step. Alex chooses a category that aligns with the curriculum’s content, ensuring it resonates with the learners’ developmental stage.

👉 Wiki Link to Learn more about Age Groups.

Foundations in Soft Skills:

Soft skills are essential to Alex’s curriculum. He carefully selected three, envisioning how these skills will contribute to the learners’ overall development.

👉 Wiki Link to Learn more Soft Skills

Language Selection for Broader Reach:

Alex chooses multiple languages for the curriculum, reflecting Morphoses’ commitment to inclusivity and expanding the curriculum’s accessibility.

Crafting an Engaging Title:

A compelling title is chosen, one that encapsulates the curriculum’s essence and attracts learners’ attention.

Structuring the Curriculum:

Alex decides on the number of sessions and their duration, meticulously planning the curriculum’s framework to ensure a balanced and engaging learning experience.

Building the Curriculum:

With the structure in place, Alex navigates through the platform, organizing content for each session. The user-friendly interface aids in this process, making the organization seamless and intuitive. Alex adds depth to each session with titles, descriptions, learning objectives, and custom tags, ensuring each part of the curriculum is informative and engaging.

Detailing Each Session/Incorporating Activities

A crucial part of each session is the activities. Alex integrates a mix of existing and new activities, enriching the curriculum with varied and interactive learning experiences.

Reviewing and Finalizing:

After completing each session, Alex reviews the curriculum in its entirety. He saved his work and previewed it, ensuring it aligned with his initial vision and educational goals.


Alex’s curriculum creation journey on Morphoses showcases the platform’s ability to facilitate the development of detailed and impactful educational content. From concept to completion, every step is an opportunity to influence and educate.

📚 Need help getting started? Check out our step-by-step Training Video for a hands-on guide: 👉 [Youtube Link]

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